mercoledì 14 luglio 2010

3 / 7 / 2010 - Поехали !


Quote from Gagarin, but luckily travelling to Russia is not as dangerous as riding a Vostok capsule in 1961... Two uneventful flights, beginning with a very early wake up in Bologna, at around 3.30 AM...

No wonder I would have been tired for the rest of the day... Quick stop in Prague, and then to Moscow, first destination of this trip. Since the Sheremetevo Airport is linked with a congested highway to Moscow, at the arrival it is Aeroexpress and then metro to the Warsaw Hotel, near Oktjabr'skaja metro station.

After the arrival at the hotel, it is time for a shower and then a walk to the center, where I'm welcomed by the usual cloudy weather... it seems that the Red Square has something against me...

Then it is time for a long walk around the Pokrovka and Kitaj Gorod zones, heading then back to GUM and the hotel for a well earned sleep.
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